Happy at Last!

Happy at Last!

This is Sam. Two days ago she was telling me how sad she was because she wasn’t pretty enough. Well, I have been talking to her and we went on a long walk through the forest and we talked. She had never been in the forest before and it made her so happy! She forgot all about trying to be someone she isn’t and found something that makes her happy, NATURE! She found a leaf with a lady bug on it and an acorn. They are her treasures and she loves them so much! She just doesn’t care about trying look like a girl, just call her Sam. She loves to be outside all the time looking for new treasures. She will be on Etsy within a few minutes.

Please meet Sam

Please meet Sam

Meet Sam, soon she will be my newest addition on my Etsy shop. She is still missing something but I am not sure exactly what yet, but I know she needs something feminine. She was born with dark blue gingham skin and and feels like she looks like a boy. I added outstretched arms because she really needs a hug to feel pretty. She prefers to be called Samantha, however everyone just calls her Sam whether she likes it or not. She really wants to be pretty but she whispered to me that she feels very plain and ordinary. I of course told her she was beautiful just the way she is but it just doesn’t seem to help her. She does not want to be put on ETSY until she looks more like a girl, so I promised her I would find just the perfect thing for her. Look for her soon at


Artful Blogging

Artful Blogging

I bought this wonderful and inspiring magazine at my local Barnes and Noble just a few days ago and I have read it cover to cover and loved it! Though I have hardly blogged at all this summer ( my children have held all three computers hostage during the summer) this magazine has given me a lot of inspiration and a lot of blogs to find and follow. I especially loved the very first article ” Batches of Hearts” by Vivienne McMaster and I strongly encourage everyone to read it because it touched me deeply, much more than I expected it would.

The only magazines I buy anymore are from Stampington and Company. I especially loved “Stuffed” and ” Art Doll” and though I have not bough “Prims” yet, it is definitely on my wish list.

From now on, I am a big fan of the Artful Blogger and I am really going to work on building a better blog for myself ( once my kids go back to school of course ).

Patriotic Pillowcase

Patriotic Pillowcase

I have just placed for sale on Etsy 4 new pillowcases. For each pillowcase that I sell, I will donate one pillowcase for a charity by the name of ConKerr Cancer which brings pillowcases to children in hospitals to color up their rooms and add a touch of fun to their beds.

Please check out my Etsy shop and the pillowcases that I have up and if you don’t see anything you like, keep checking back as I will be making many more in the next few weeks.